Witte Family Genealogy

Discovering our Ancestors


 Description   Quantity 
Total Individuals 1,173  
Total Males 591 (50.38%)  
Total Females 518 (44.16%)  
Total Unknown Gender 64 (5.46%)  
Total Living 817  
Total Families 353  
Total Unique Surnames 337  
Total Photos 12  
Total Documents 1  
Total Headstones 0  
Total Histories 0  
Total Recordings 0  
Total Videos 0  
Total Sources 0  
Total Source Citations 0  
Average Lifespan1 69 years, 175 days  
Earliest Birth (Edward Colbourne 1635  

 Longest Lived1   Age 
Dora Adaline Simpson 103 years  
Lennie Emma Hill 101 years  
Anna Haverman 100 years 300 days  
Mary Elizabeth Witte 99 years  
Irene Mary Witte 96 years 287 days  
Mary Salen 96 years  
Wilhelmina Havermann 95 years 95 days  
Nancy Jane Vice 95 years 67 days  
Leadora Fenton 95 years  
Per Jeppson 95 years  

1 Age-related calculations are based on individuals with recorded birth and death dates. Due to the existence of incomplete date fields(e.g., a death date listed only as "1945" or "BEF 1860"), these calculations cannot be 100% accurate.